Help name an Osprey Chick!


Photo by Kat (from the live chat stream)

Photo by Kat (from the live chat stream)

Our community partner - The Golden Gate Audubon Society asks


Can you help us generate name suggestions for these two young Ospreys that will hopefully grow up as gorgeous as their parents, Rosie & Richmond?


We are looking for name suggestions that have cultural significance or represent the dignity and grace that benefits a wild Osprey. Gender-neutral suggestions are optimal!


Help us generate some great names for a shortlist that will go up for a public vote..


To suggest a name:


Go to the  livechat page on the website:

Post the name suggestions directly on the live chat,

Include brief note about why think your proposed name is great !  (e.g.  Fisher -- in honor of the Ospreys' excellent fishing abilities)




go to the Golden Gate Audubon Society Facebook page